Episode 37

Published on:

19th Dec 2022

Imagination and Subconscious: Your Internal Metaverse

In this episode, Tim discusses The Power of Imagination and Subconscious Mind, these are the secret sauce to the keys to Heaven, and access to what you most truly desire to be, to do, and to have in life.

Episode Highlights:

05:04 – The happier and more abundant we are, we tend to be able to exude that same happiness, abundance and joy to other people

08:55 – The original technology was imagination… we have internal Metaverse between imagination and our subconscious

10:08 – You first have to have enough guts to desire what you want. You don't have to ask anybody's permission to desire certain things. You want a better life? Desire it.

14:30 – If you know what you desire, God will give it to you trough a bridge of incidence and divine providence… he will give it to you if you delight yourself in him

15:52 – Whatever you desire, desire that and park that desire in your mind. Don’t erase it ever.

17:30 – You can think for yourself, and you can desire as high as you want to

18:13 – Imagination is the theater inside of you where these things can happen.

20:08 – What the imagination does it gives you a commercial, a preview, a pre-cursor of what you can have in your hand. If you can see it in your mind, you can have it in your hand, so don’t afraid to use imagination.

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The Communication Guru
It's not what you say, it's how you say it!
In a society that pumps out information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, effective communication is vital. Each month, listeners can join Tim McMurtry II, along with other guests, as they discuss wins, fails and other nuances of effective communication and how it impacts business, employment, relationships, politics, self-esteem and every other aspect of our lives. If you want to learn more about how you can enhance your communication effectiveness, then this show is for you.